Another week to conquer or get by

It’s Sunday, and I’ve got some chores left to finish. I mean, you gotta start the week right or else the rhythm gets disrupted.

I’m still adjusting to my 2-week-old daily schedule, and so far I’m not good at following it. Nevertheless, I’m still getting enough sleep plus been reading a lot of webtoons. Isekai shoujo is the shoujo for us grown-ups. Now I can relate to the fact that there is not enough time to read all these worthwhile stories.

Even though I’ve been working on and off as an online freelancer (both full time and part time) for the past 3 to 4 years, it’s difficult for me to keep up a fixed routine. Don’t worry, I still stick to my work deadlines. But my personal life structure, eh, it’s a decent clutter.

To be fair, recently, I gave living alone a shot. Only temporary since life happens and finances, but it’s a grown-up experience. Didn’t struggle with the house chores because I already know how to do them, but yeah it’s good. Maybe I should write about it next time realizing that I have a lot to share about being on my own literally. Spoilers: I like my own company unapologetically.

So the plan for this week is to follow my daily schedule, unless something urgent happens. I don’t know if it’s self-sabotage, depression (yes, diagnosed and everything), laziness, or lethargy that’s dragging me down… or maybe all of them. Yikes!

But yeah, we’ll get by like we always do. Life isn’t that bad when our needs are attainable and provided. Right now, I’m not complaining; I just want to do better for me.

How about you? How’s your Sunday? What’s the vibe for this week?

What do you think?

Can you believe that we have two posts in a day, both with art stuff included?

Procrastination who?!

Anyway… I have a real question that needs your input.

What do you think about painting/coloring over images online to create an artwork?

Exhibit A is the image above. The original image was from a scene in a manga. Obviously, I did it for fun, for the sake of trying, and for seeing something new. My previous question seems dumb, like “Duh, you should create your own art to make actual art.”, but here are some additional points to consider:

  • Painting over an image is actually different from tracing, though similar
  • If the art is not monetized, is it “harmful?”
  • How about painting over the images you personally shot or if the image was provided by a primary source (commissions, etc.)?
  • Is painting over a for-real art style? (not the same case as pro artists using it as a time-saving technique)

And no, I don’t paint over stuff all the time since it feels like a “shortcut” to creativity. But by doing it earlier, even just for funsies, the dilemma was/is real. Art is subjective, for sure, and I have queries that need enlightenment. Also, my original works are mediocre, but meh, they’re cute to my eyes. uwu

A shortcut undoubtedly hinders growth, both in art and in everything else. But yeah, what do you think?

Some fries for you, dearest reader and fellow artsy fartsy~

Too Much Sleep Is Not The Dream

The past months, and in the past days, I’ve been sleeping a lot. Literally sleeping almost the whole day–waking up only to eat and do some hygiene.

Judge me all you want, but it’s more than laziness.

You see…

I always have this lazy side. I do what I want whenever I feel like it, except during urgent moments.

But ironically, long periods of unproductivity kills: physically and mentally, which led me to purchase a better quality mattress. Pricey? But totally worth it!

I sleep too much since there’s nothing to do. I sleep too much as a form of escape: where my dreams are a hundred times better and exciting than my boring, indoor reality. I sleep too much because I’m depressed. I sleep too much because I’m lonely.

With the amount of time I currently have, I could create. But I can’t. I have yet to afford the equipment that I need. Also, I really don’t feel like creating something any time soon.

Sleep is my escape, but sleep doesn’t allow me to live.

Solitude is fun when you’re doing something fulfilling.

An unproductive human wouldn’t last for years.

If I could hunt, I would. If I could explore the world, I will. Except that I can’t. Because I have no money as well as no company.

I sleep because I love to rest. And I sleep too much to put my boredom and sadness to rest.

And it hurts to sleep when it’s the only thing you can do.